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Why Stamp Collecting is Growing in Popularity

In times of economic hardship, one might expect that frivolous collecting pursuits would be put on hold until a time when the financial climate is a little more stable. However, this is rarely the case and, instead, those with a passion for things such as philately are actually more likely to up their game.
During the great depression of the 1930s, stamp collecting boomed, with individuals looking at ways to enjoy a great pastime with limited outlay, whilst also being aware that their collections could one day yield financial returns.

As such, collecting new and antique stamps has once more been growing in popularity as individuals seek an interesting and lucrative investment that grants them some fun and excitement on the way. To some, philately may not seem like the most high-octane of pastimes, but the potential to offer individuals the chance to uncover rare finds and complete collections relating to certain geographical regions and certain periods of history makes stamp collecting far more stimulating than it might initially appear on the surface.

However, the hope of financial gain is not the only reason individuals will start a stamp collection, and many will often hold on to their collections for life, proud of the fact that their set holds such a high value, but not wishing to trade their collection in. In other cases, the albums they have will be their legacy, something to pass down over the generations as a reminder of their time, as well as a potential way for their children to ensure they can look after themselves financially should they need to.

For others, collecting new and old stamps will be about holding onto a sense of identity. By searching out a stamp collection that is populated by items from one’s home country, those living abroad may feel closer to their homeland, whilst even those still in their birth country may feel somewhat more patriotic and somewhat more attached to their roots.

For some, it is about history, whilst others enjoy the buzz of finding something extremely rare and knowing that they are one of a very limited number of people to own something of great heritage and worth. For most, of course, the chase is what spurs them on, allowing them to bid on antique stamps in the hope of improving their collection and not only getting the buzz of being involved in an exciting bidding war, but also affording them a great deal of joy on the occasions when they win, and allowing them to keep that goal of finishing a collection firmly in mind.

Stamp collecting is not one overall hobby, but a collection of niche ones, with individuals often enjoying collecting very different items. For some, it will be one specific type of stamp and for others it will be finding items from one country, one period of history of even one specific occasion. As such, collecting such items will give one a huge amount of scope and the potential for infinite amounts of both excitement and enjoyment.

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