A compensation calculator can help set up your claim by giving the expert claims advisors the very basics of information they need to put the wheels in motion.
Once they know that the accident that happened was not your fault that the injuries you sustained needed medical attention and this all happened with the last three years, they will know you fit the criteria to make a claim and can move forward to the next stage.
After the initial setup claim, they will need all the information in much more detail and will call you to discuss your experience and to find out what they need.
They will need to know what type of accident you were in, was it:
- Road traffic accident
- Work related accident
- Slip, trip or fall
- Holiday accident
- Animal attack
- Food poisoning
- Criminal violence
- Accident at school, or college
No type of accident is barred from a personal injury claim, providing it was not your fault.
They will need to know what your injuries are and how severe they are. They might be:
- Back or spine injuries
- Whiplash
- Road rash
- Internal injuries
- Fractures
- Joint damage
- Head or brain injuries
- Facial injuries
- Eye injuries
- Burns or scalds
Some of these injuries can have life-changing effects, which needs to be accounted for as part of your personal injury compensation claim. Some of the more common injuries, such as whiplash and fractures, are not life threatening, but others are. If the victim dies as a result of the accident, their family has three years from the date of death to make their claim.
Next on the agenda will be the costs and losses you have incurred because of the accident and these maybe:
- Loss of earnings
- Care costs
- Childcare
- Home adaption
- Home moving
- Travel costs
- Medical expenses
- Any other cost or loss that is a direct result of the accident and your injuries.
All of these can be recovered as part of your claim providing you can prove you actually paid or lost them.
Apart from all this information the only other thing they will need is any evidence at all that you have about the accident and the details of whom the claim has to be made against.
Making the claim
All this information is passed on to a specialist injury lawyer who will take matters from there. They will calculate the amount they think you should receive and start negotiations with the representatives of the guilty party. In most cases that is a far as it goes and no one has to go to court. When injury lawyers have negotiating down to a fine art, reaching settlements out of court is what they expect to happen.
All our information from the claim calculator and from taking to the claims advisor will be kept confidential, you do not need to worry that you will suddenly be in the papers next week.